Complaints Committees

"Besides the Anti Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Squad , LALA JAGAT NARYAN INSTITUTE OF INFO. TECH. & MGT, JALALABAD to safeguard the interests of its subjects , has put in place the following mechanisms as per the mandate of the AICTE/ PTU :- Internal Complaint Committee - To address the grievances of ladies staff and girl students against their sexual harassment . Grievance Redressal Committee - For prompt redressal of multifaceted problems of students . SC , OBC and ST Committee - To prevent atrocities against the members of these communities. In addition to the above , recently an online grievance redressal system has been introduce at LALA JAGAT NARYAN INSTITUTE OF INFO. TECH. & MGT, JALALABAD to provide a hassle free mechanism for the benefit of the complainants. They could contact to the following Committee members names :

1. Dr. Jaskiran Kaur: +91 9876637715
2. Dr Yogesh Chhabra : +91 9855622076

3. Ms.Prabhjot Kaur: +91 8427866074
4. Mr.Raman Sehgal: +91 9855100530

Complaints Form